Psychometric Tests

Psychometric Tests


Psychometric Test is a scientific and generalized method used for recruitment. Through this test, an employer can analyze the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) of an individual. Recruiters take these tests and comprehend the mental, analytical and behavioral abilities from the final results and therefore, contemplate that whether a prospective candidate is suitable for the company and the designation being offered.
Psychometric tests are specifically designed to measure a candidate’s suitability for a particular job profile on the basis of required personality characteristics and cognitive abilities. Recruiters use the detailed answers of the candidates collected from these psychometric tests to evaluate the skills, abilities, and talent of candidates that won’t be possible through any other mode. The vast majority of psychometric tests are mostly taken online than being paper-based.

What are the fundamental differences between normal tests and psychometric tests?

Other tests usually judge your personal beliefs which are based on your experiences. But your answers are subjective and it isn’t always possible that it makes sense to everyone who reads it out. Your answers in these tests will merely tell you that what you think about yourself and others answers will show that what they think about themselves. It’s clear that there is no practicality behind the results; it only reveals personal thinking of the candidate.
A psychometric test measures more than just self-analysis and personal thinking. It measures the actual behavior of a person in normal life that will be widely accepted. These tests are conducted to know that what people actually do because it is more important than what they speak or think. Further on, the results of each individual are compared to those of other individuals so as to get a real idea about the individual’s abilities, skills, strengths, weaknesses and working styles. It will also tell you that what difficulties you might face with them as employers and what are the possible steps that should be taken to overcome them by giving them the best possible opportunities and a chance to prove themselves that they are an asset for your company.

Importance of Psychometric Tests:
1. Psychometric tests help the employers to understand the skills, abilities, and working style of the employees which ultimately helps them to pick the right person for the right job.
2. Based on statistical data, they are unbiased; therefore, it selects the best prospective candidate.
3. Candidates can be compared on the basis of mental and analytical aptitude.
4. Psychometric tests are reliable in analyzing a candidate’s performance, and henceforth, it provides an accurate evaluation of the applicant.
5. It also reveals that what will motivate an employee and what trainings do they require to excel in their job.
6. Recruitment Process happens to efficient and effective.
7. HR costs are reduced.
8. These tests are a good source of predicting future performances of the employees and its further impact on the company’s growth.


What do Psychometric Tests analyze of the prospective candidate?
1. Capabilities and Skills
2. Personality and Behavioural Traits
3. Mental and Analytical Aptitude
In all, these tests analyze and evaluate your intelligence, knowledge, aptitude, and personality. Also, it judges how well you are with stress management and how will you manage contingent situations. Basically, these tests are conducted to get through your working style and whether it matches up to the company requirements.
If we broaden up this concept, these tests basically acknowledge the positive and negative personality traits, cognitive abilities and the values, ethics and the motivational techniques of the candidate to accomplish his tasks. Let’s discuss this in detail:
1. Positive Personality Traits: In this section, basically there’s an analysis of competitive traits of the candidate that makes him stand out of the crowd. These traits are basically in favor of organizational goals. Through this analysis, the employers can utilize the advantageous traits so as to meet the interests of the enterprise.
The well-established “Big Five” model of personality traits can help you to find relevance to this concept. These traits determine the suitability of a person in a company’s working conditions. The five traits are:
Openness: This trait basically focuses on imaginative and the creative power of an individual. People who are high in this trait are usually more creative and dynamic. People who are low in this trait follow traditional methods of accomplishing a task that isn’t able to cope up with the latest techniques of working style.
Conscientiousness: This focuses on the thinking capabilities, goal orientation and behavioral controls of an individual. People who are high in the conscientious trait are often more organized and focuses on the minute details. They plan and work. They also analyze how a behavioral reaction can affect others. With that, they are highly cautious about the deadlines.

Extraversion: This trait mainly demonstrates the features of social connection, extrovert behavior, ability to have a conversation and the intensity to express. People who are high in extraversion are talkative and have larger social groups and connections. They enjoy people’s company. People who are low in extraversion are reserved and often face a problem to express themselves in social gatherings and meetings.

Agreeableness: This trait considers generous qualities like affection, compassion, kindness, and trust. People who are high in agreeableness are generally cooperative and get along with every type of situation whereas those who are low in this trait are competitive, manipulative and non-adjusting.

Neuroticism: This trait focuses on emotional instability. People who are high in this trait often experience mood swings, stress, irritability, panic, and sadness. Those who are low in this trait tend to be emotionally stable and resilient.

2. Negative Personality Traits: It refers to the evolution of traits due to increasing work pressure, changing work environment or maybe, an increase in the number of targets that has to be achieved in a shorter frame of time. This can be made relevant through Mettl Dark Personality Inventory (MDPI) that contains 6 dark traits:

Opportunism: It’s all about being selfish, manipulative and deceitful for the fulfillment of personal selfish motives.

Self-Obsession: It is related to overconfidence and the possessiveness related to self.

Insensitivity: It points to the inability of understanding others pain and agony.

Temperamental: It is about the impulsive behavior at petty issues.

Impulsiveness: This trait resembles the sudden reaction without any proper thought process.

Thrill-Seeking: This factor relates to the risk taken for accomplishing a task.

3. Cognitive Abilities: It’s about the ability of a person to think logically and analytically and then perceive the entire situation. It basically relates to the skills of tackling various contingencies that an individual has to face during his work. To analyze these skills here is a list of tests that will acknowledge you about the same in depth: Abstract Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Visual Reasoning, Language and Comprehension, Decision Making and Judgement, and so on.
Requirements, Values, and Motivation: Mettl Motivation Inventory is a comprehensive test that comprehends that what actually directs and motivates a person to effectively and efficiently perform at work. The more motivated a workforce is, the greater is the success of an organization. Under this model, there are 8 motivators categorized under 3 major needs- sustainability needs (money, security), relatedness needs (recognition, affiliation, competition), and growth needs (power, advancement, achievement).

4. Types of Psychometric Tests:
Basically, there are three types of tests: aptitude tests, skills tests, and personality tests. Further, it can be classified into new more tests. Let’s know it:

Aptitude Tests: These tests are basically conducted to analyze the basic set of skills, and these skills may often depend on the type of job that you are applying for. Different types of tests under this head are Numerical Reasoning Test, Verbal Reasoning Test, Logical Reasoning Test, and Error Checking Test.

Skills Tests: Skills tests is a test taken by employers to analyze how quickly an individual can learn a new skill and can apply the same at the job place. These tests depend on the job you are applying for, so it may include something like designing a logo (if you are applying for the designation of a graphic designer) or a business plan (if you are applying for the designation of HR Manager).

Personality Tests: Personality Tests are conducted so as to acknowledge the employers about how to evaluate an individual’s suitability based on the behavior, personality, the way in which he approaches the work and his working style. The results of these tests can be used to determine how well an individual can fit into the organization and the culture of the business.

To Know More Visit Here:-

Introduction to psychometric tests – Institute of Psychometric Coaching

Psychometric Tests: What Are They & How Do I Pass Them?

Psychometric Tests: Free Online Practice Tests from AssessmentDay