How to give a start to your video production

How to give a start to your video production

How to give a start to your video production

As long as you know some important answers to key questions from the beginning, the entire process of making a video can be simple and fun. You have chosen to tell your story through the power of video, so we simply have to determine the best way to make your video to maximize the impact of your story.

The following is a partial list of questions to think about – these concepts are discussed in combination to determine the best path forward. Of course, you don’t need to know the answer to these questions right away. We’ll discuss questions like these together so you can explore all the options and come to the best solution.


What is the goal of the video? What are the key takeaways for the audience?


Who is your audience for this video? Who is the potential audience? What will they be looking for when they click to watch the video? What do they respond to? What do they find frivolous? Where will they see the video?


Who is telling your story? Is it the founder, satisfied clients, employees, or a mixture? Is it a third party all together?


Is the video best served by shooting sit-down interviews? Do you want to make an animated video? How important are motion graphics?

Every story is unique and we treat them that way. These questions are a starting point for our conversation. By answering these questions together you can be sure that we’re making the best possible video for your needs. All storytelling is about communicating ideas, and the best way to begin our process together will be through… communication!

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