Category: Corporate Movie
History of video production
Video production started in1832, when Joseph Plateau, created the first moving images in his invention called the phenakistoscope (“spindle viewer”). This was followed in 1870, John Wesley Hyatt, who developed and patented celluloid for its use as a base in photographic film. In 1879 came another invention called the zoopraxiscope (pronounced ZOH-uh-PRACKS-uh-scohp ). This was…
How important ‘Voice Over’ is for your corporate video production
At present, the video production industry has entered in a state where one tiny mistake in the video can ruin the image of any company. Corporate video production industry uses high-end technology and equipment to take care of all challenges and to advertise better. Corporate videos were earlier made with the help of interviewers and…
How video presentation is better than PowerPoint presentation
Imagine the beauty of a telegenic medium which is entertaining, informative and creates an impact in your hearts and minds. This is the prominence of an effective video presentation. From fiction to corporate communication tools Video presentation is the answer to all. With the rise in cinema making, YouTube providing a wide platform to videos…
The whole broadcast industry equated the rise of the internet and the onward march of web based videos with the death of TV. Thankfully this has yet to happen, and with social media helping to drive TV viewing figures nowadays, television and the internet have become uneasy stable mates at least for now. What caused…
What makes a Professional Camera..Professional
Some clients have very specific needs in terms of video quality and technical specifications, but more often than not a client will leave it up to you to pick the best camera for the job and budget. Many people wonder what the difference is between a professional video camera and a handheld camera sold in…
How to give a start to your video production
As long as you know some important answers to key questions from the beginning, the entire process of making a video can be simple and fun. You have chosen to tell your story through the power of video, so we simply have to determine the best way to make your video to maximize the impact…